tisdag 5 mars 2013

The Internet - the place to truly see how stupid teens are.

I hate people, I fucking hate people. Why? Mostly because so many, especially teens, especially on the web, are so goddamn fucking stupid and ignorant! What the fuck do kids learn in school these days? I mean, I'm only 22, but I feel like a grumpy old geezer compared to the young shitheads of today. Even among metalheads I find so many fucking morons, I can't even stand hanging out with many "general metalheads". People totally lack respect for others, and even themselves, really. I mean, does the word "opinion(s)" even exist in their absent brains? I don't think so.

How the fuck do people think that just because they wise-ass, comment shit on youtube, last.fm, facebook, or what-the-fuck-ever, like "no, you should add this and that, you should think this and that, you should believe this and that" etc., that I'm gonna change my mind and opinions about stuff? NO, just because MY opinion is different from yours doesn't mean you can change my opinion to adjust after yours. I'm so sick and tired of all those people who are like that. Everybody thinks, likes, believe in, or whatever, in exactly what they want to, and nobody can change those opinions but one self.

I especially hate fellow metalheads who are more ignorant than a penis in a cow's ass, which believes it really is inside a human, female pussy. People that "correct" your opinions based on what they think is "right". I've lost so much respect for people in general just because there are so many morons who are like that - annoying, ignorant fucking dickheads. FUCK YOU!

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