söndag 18 september 2011

Devastation (Sweden)

The band I play in - Devastation (Sweden). We've been around since 2004, but we've mostly done stuff in the last few years, apart from 2010 which was a really slow year and kinda our hiatus year. Currently we are (picture from left-right) Daniel (guitar), me (drums), Henke (guitar) and Amanda (vox). We're currently looking for a bass player.

Our musical style varies between heavy, thrash, death, groove and sludge metal. Some of our biggest influences are Pantera, Life of Agony, Type O Negative, Crowbar, Down, Kyuss, Megadeth, Alice in Chains, Faith No More, Sepultura, Anthrax, Dismember, Entombed etc.

Check us out at http://devastation-metal.webs.com/ or our YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/devastationmetalswe

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