tisdag 14 februari 2017

Thoughts and opinions on: OVERWATCH

I recently started playing Blizzard's recent FPS shooter Overwatch. I'm not previously too familiar with Blizzard and their games. My girlfriend plays World of Warcraft a lot so I know that much about them. I also know they've made at least one Diablo game, but I don't play those games. I'm not really the biggest fan of shooter a.k.a. deathmatch-type games. I do play shooting games but it's more like sandbox games and story-based FPS games. Think of the GTA franchise and Fallout 4, that's my kinda deal.

Now, some of you might think I'm being contradictious here right now, playing GTA but not liking shooter games. I love GTA (except for the awful GTA V story mode) but I don't really like the PvP aspects of it. When playing GTA I mostly drive around on motorcycles doing my own random shit, or hangin' out with friends doing missions and whatnot. I never play deathmatches or adversary modes though. I just don't enjoy it that much, despite being a rather good player if I may say so myself. Bored psychotic 10-y-o kids just ain't my definition of fun, you know?

So a while back my dudebro Dee got this Overwatch game and wasn't really impressed by it. In fact, I didn't even know he'd gotten it. Maybe he told me about it but then it must've been in the wind somewhere. A while later, however, he slowly got more into it and started to like it a lot. He started talking about it frequently and encouraged me to get it as well. I was skeptical judging by the fact that it's a pure deathmatch-type game. My old CoD (1+2) reflexes are pretty much long gone.

After much nag about the game, I finally got it and made my buddy a jolly little fellow. For starters I wasn't really that impressed by it either, nor very interested in playing it to be honest. I did like the art style a lot, however, which made me invest some time into the game. After a day or two I was rather enjoying it. In fact, my buddy seemed to have a lot more fun with it now as well, and we've just been goin' at it for a few weeks now.

This is Reaper, my favorite character. I have thing for big guns and he wields dual shotguns. He looks rather "metal" as well, don't you think?

You know, at first look Overwatch might seem like a kids game and I'm sure a lot of its players are kids as well. Looks can be deceiving though. "Never judge a book by its cover" is a quote which really comes to mind regarding Overwatch. Going from highly skeptical and overall uninterested in the game, I am now somewhat addicted to it. I get these urges to play it a lot.

So how did my playing urge come to pass? The characters! You know, there isn't a lot of details or general information about the characters within the game. None at all, really. You're just left with a bunch of characters all of which have special powers and abilities. Now that's an aspect I like a lot! Instead of the old CoD/Battlefield kind of gameplay you are now a unique team each round you play. That creates a lot of diversity not to mention longevity to this kind of game. Overall I think this is very well executed.

One of the several short animated movies you can watch to get some more depth to the characters.

The art style is fantastic! It reminds me a lot of WoW and I think the reason is rather obvious. The characters do have some informative videos on YouTube which you can look up, and there's also the regular kind of Wiki pages around for it as well. That way you can (and will) get to know the characters as well.

Overall I am glad I decided to get the game. I'm enjoying it a lot and I think there is great potential for it in the future as well. A simple formula which creates something greatly effective. Although I'm not at all good with all the characters, their diversity creates a lot of fun. You win some, you lose some. What matters is you're having a good time, and I know I certainly am.

This is Torbjörn, a Swedish viking-like character. This is one of his several outfits you can get and equip. Possibly my favorite character outfit in Overwatch. A Swedish viking biker? Hell yeah!

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