torsdag 5 januari 2017

10 Hard Rock & Metal Bands: With great energy

Starting off this year will be a list of ten (10) bands which I believe to have great energy in their playing style. So, what do I mean by "energy"? I mean it as in feeling, delivery and dynamic style. To see what bands I chose, simply scroll down below.

Note: This isn't a top-list as in rate 1-10. It's just a list of ten bands fitting the description.

  • Van Halen

Everybody knows Van Halen, right? They're something of a "love 'em or hate 'em" kinda band. You're also either a David Lee Roth-era fan or a Sammy Hagar-era fan. Personally I'm the DLR-era fan. Now, what I like in Van Halen's sound is their playful style. Eddie VH is a fantastic guitarist and his style is very unique and innovative, especially for its time. They're like one huge party thrown into a musical package. Just listen to the power of the drums accompanied by the playful guitar and driving bass, while Mr. Roth delivers his characteristic vocals.

  • Motörhead

There is no other band that will rock 'n' roll harder than Motörhead ever did. They were pure, raw, intense and hard. Call it hard rock, heavy metal, punk rock or whatever. Lemmy always said that they play rock 'n' roll. My father also once told me that I was conceived to Motörhead's music. How could I him for that? It's great shagging music.

  • Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy has had a great many musicians coming and going throughout the years. Some have been great while others have been somewhat more forgettable. The man has had a serious talent for finding great guitarists in particular, however, as he played with the late legendary Randy Rhoads as well as Jake E. Lee, Zakk Wylde among others. While not all of his line-ups and albums were particularly energized, a few of them was. Both albums with Randy Rhoads have great energy from all musical departments.

The nowadays greatly (and sadly) overlooked "The Ultimate Sin" also had some really great playing by guitarist Jake E. Lee and the late drummer Randy Castillo. After that, Ozzy's had a few more high-octane albums featuring Zakk Wylde as well. Unfortunately though, quite a few of his more recent albums have been lacking that good ol' pure rock 'n' roll energy from his 80's heyday.

  • Dio

Ronnie James Dio played with some of the best musicians of the genres throughout his career. Many legendary names as well as just-as-good lesser known names. For me personally, however, I always prefered the man in his solo band the most. Every Dio album up until and including the massively underrated "Strange Highways" (1993) all have great energy to them. Well, "Lock Up The Wolves" (1990) kinda lacked that a bit here and there I'll admit, particularly in the drum department.

With musicians like Vinny Appice behind the drum kit on all releases up till 1996, it's hard to not get a great energy going. Add guitar players such as Vivian Campbell, Rowan Robertson and Tracey G. along with bassists Jimmy Bain and Jeff Pilson and you've got a great fockin' band. The only thing that saddens me about Dio's solo career is how his last few efforts got very stale. It's like the fire turned into a struggling spark. Anything from the band's first ten years is great, though.

  • Manilla Road

Another classic example of a three-piece managing to make something sounding epic as fuck, despite the lack of more players in the band. Manilla Road's got some massively underrated guitar, bass and drum work. Every department is just on fire! Well, the vocals maybe not so much, but they're what keeps them down to earth in what is otherwise God-like. Seriously, some of the best heavy metal guitars you'll ever hear are available from this band.

  • AC/DC

For being a relatively mid-paced and straight-forward king of hard rock band, they've got an awful lot of energy to their sound. Is there any other band in the genre (hard rock) which you can headbang to like you can with AC/DC? I think not. A solid proof less can be more.

  • Thin Lizzy

Thin Lizzy was such an amazing and unique band which could really do music any way they liked, and still it would sound great. Hard rock, soul, blues, funk or heavy metal - all the same: awesome! Just listen to this clip above here. It's like all hell's breakin' loose, and that's exactly what I want in a band.

  • Entombed

Entombed was the first death metal band I ever got into and perhaps still the most intense one. Their first two albums are fockin' legendary and the pure energy of riffs, crushing drums and deathly grunts are just as metal as it gets. The Stockholm death metal scene in general really knew their shit back in the day.

  • Cro-Mags

My favorite band within the hardcore scene. They were heavy, raw, intense and overall very genuine. Their first three records never get old in my world. They kicked some major ass back in the day and they still kick the asses of all new-comers out there.

  • W.A.S.P.

I've always loved this band for Blackie Lawless' great sound and style, vocally as musically. They always were somewhat in between being glam metal and heavy metal, but it's like they fused the two together and became a dynamite. In my book, when a band manages to make you imagine one thousand roaring motorcycles come ridin' on Route 66, it's something done real right.

And that was ten bands, folks! I hope you enjoyed my list and maybe you even found a new band or two in the process? Later!

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